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- Why Shelf Company?
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- “Offshore Loss” – How Much Money Do Countries Lose on Preferential Tax Systems
- 2016 Regional Competitiveness Index
- 25 years of Warsaw Stock Exchange
- 4.5 Million Electric Vehicles on the EU Roads Currently
- 500+ benefit programme launches
- A new government plan to speed up Polish economy
- A New Wave of Increasing Gas Prices
- A renewable energy plant to be built in Lublin
- African Swine Fever outbreak in Poland
- Airfreight price remains at a record high
- AliExpress to arrive in 2017
- Alior Bank takes over core Bank BPH
- Alior Bank teams up with Uber
- Almost 852,000 New Car Registrations in the EU in January
- Amazon to build up presence in Poland
- Amendments to the act on freedom of business activity
- Amsterdam to Raise Tourist Tax in 2024 to Support City’s Development
- Android Pay in Poland in 3Q2016
- Austria to Lift Veto on Schengen Zone Expansion
- Automobile Sales in Europe Decreased by 22%
- Average Salary and Highest Paid Professions in the Eurozone Countries
- Beata Szydło: Minimum wage at 2,000 PLN
- Beyonce Effect: Singer’s Tour Spurs Inflation Increase in Sweden
- Biggest investment in the world in Poland?
- Bloomberg Ranking of the Best Business Schools in Europe
- Bloomberg: Several Branches of Credit Suisse may Close
- Brain drain hits Poland hard.
- Brussels and London Prepare Retaliatory Measures Amid Possible US Tariffs
- BTC vs USD – Bitcoin Can Surpass USD and Other Currencies
- Budget deficit in 2017: 2.9%
- Budget for 2016 on the way
- Business Centre Club awards business leaders
- Businesses perk up as Pokémon Go craze hits Poland
- Car Sales in the EU Increased by 29% in March
- Card transactions more and more popular
- Cargo Transportation in Europe Fell By 36%
- Cars For Sale in Europe increased by 21%
- Cash transaction limit soon to go down
- CD Project is Listed Company of the Year
- Central Invoice Register in 2018?
- Changes in labour law from February 2016
- Changes in the Company Registry Law in Poland – 1.12.2014
- COVID Pandemic and Tax Exemptions in the EU Countries
- Crypto All Time High – Coins Breakthrough – How the Prices Change
- Current and Future Crises that Companies Sometimes shall Face
- Demand for Russian Gas Grows in Europe
- Denmark will be the first in Europe to Tax Agricultural Emissions
- Despite the Drought, France Predicts an Increase in Wine Production
- Deutsche Bank: Recession in Germany is Inevitable in 2023
- Digital Transformation and Taxation: Challenges and Possibilities
- Does Budapest Face Depopulation? Main Reasons and Outcomes
- Draft of a new Polish anti-usury bill
- EC’s recommendations pinpoint Poland’s system flaws
- Economic Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on Europe and on the World
- Electronic tax returns more popular than ever
- Energy Bills in Europe Reach Record Levels
- Energy Consumption Trends Across in Europe
- Estonia, Belgium and Bulgaria Close Ports to Russian Ships
- EU and US Collaborate to Restrict Investing in China
- EU Calls for Enhanced Surveillance of Sanctioned Technologies in Third Country Trade
- EU Countries with the Lowest Unemployment Rate
- EU Economic Sanctions Targeting Russia in Response to Ukraine Crises
- EU Extends Economic Sanctions on Russia
- EU Housing Market Shows Mixed Trends in Early 2024
- EU Leaders have Agreed on the Joint Gas Purchase
- EU opens an investigation into Polish retail tax
- EU Prepares for Retaliation Amidst Potential US Tariffs on European Imports
- EU Removing a Ban on Eight Banks Previously Banned from Bond Sales
- EU to Delay US Tariffs until Mid-April
- EU to impose tariffs on $28 billion worth of US goods
- EU to Suspend Some of the Funding to Czech Republic Following the Prime Minister Scandal
- Europe Cars For Sale Increased in European Union
- Europe Generated More Electricity From Wind and Solar Energy Than From Gas
- Europe Stiffening Regulations for Delivery companies
- Europe will produce only zero-emission vehicles from 2035
- European Airlines will Reimburse Vouchers for Flights Canceled during a Pandemic
- European Central Bank Tightens Monetary Policy
- European Food Waste Average 131 Kilograms Per Person Annually: Eurostat
- European Union Commits €200 Billion to Boost Artificial Intelligence
- Eurozone Economic Activity Reduces First Time Since Early 2021
- Eurozone GDP Grew Twice as Much as Forecast in the Third Quarter
- Eurozone Records Modest GDP Growth in Q2 2024
- Eurozone Retail Sales Experience Sharpest Decline in a Year in August
- Eurozone Unemployment Sees Uptick in September, Defying Market Expectations
- First year of Beata Szydło’s government
- Four European Islands for Remote Work in Europe
- France Plans to Increase Taxes for the 300 Largest Companies Temporarily
- G20 Agreed on a New Rule for Global Minimum Corporate Tax
- Gas Price Increase in Europe Followed by Electricity
- Gasprom Stimulated Gas Price Increase in Europe
- German Business Confidence Continues to Surge, Reaching New Heights in April
- German Consumer Prices Rise by 2.8% in May, Exceeding Expectations
- German Insurance Companies have Issued the Highest Payout in 2021
- Germans Hoarding Billions of Euros out of the Country into “Tax Havens”
- Germans Running out of Beer Bottles
- Germany is Still National Brands Leader
- Germany opposed Expanding Sanctions on Russia and Shutting down Sberbank from SWIFT
- Germany Plans to Ease the Citizenship Rules
- Global Stock Markets Plunge Amidst Trump’s Policies and Geopolitical Concerns
- Gold Price to hit $2,700 by mid-2025
- Government of Cyprus Forbidding Banks to Operate in Russian Rubles
- Greenpeace spreads the word about Polish bees’ work
- Holiday season better than ever?
- Hotel Managers in Europe Concerned About Energy Price
- Hungary is considering adopting the Euro
- IMF Projects Modest Economic Growth and Elevated Inflation for Eurozone
- Improving Polish tax system in progress
- In the Ranking of the Largest Stock Markets, US Leads with a Market Capital of $54 Trillion
- Inflation in EBRD Regions in March Was 14.3%
- Inflation in Eurozone to Return to the 2% Target Tate in 2025 – ECB
- Inflation in Germany Reduced to 9.2%
- Inflation in OECD Accelerates to 4.5% in October
- Inflation in Spain has Reached a 29-year High
- Inflation in the Eurozone Decreased to 6.9%
- Inflation Rise in Eurozone
- Innovators Under 35 Poland
- It’s no longer just coal – more and more energy in Poland produced from renewable sources!
- Italy will Approve a $14.5 Billion Package to Fight Inflation
- Italy will Impose a 40% Tax on Banks with High Profit
- January unemployment lowest in 25 years
- Krakow will have carsharing
- Large Corporations to Invest €15 Billion in France
- Latvia Considering Taxing Bank Profits
- Lithuania Tightens Control over Russian and Belarusian Goods at Border Points
- LOT to team up with Estonia’s Nordica
- Low oil prices keep deflation up
- Lower retirement age for Poles?
- Mateusz Morawiecki in charge of two ministries
- Maximum price limit on the shopping products in Hungary
- Mercedes chooses Poland
- Minimum Global Corporate Tax – The Changes Imposed by G7 Agreement
- Ministry of Finance New Weapon Against Tax Defaulters
- Ministry of Finance reveals details of the new retail tax
- Ministry of Justice Wants Severe Penalties for Fraudsters
- Ministry working on minimum hourly wage
- Morawiecki wants a new pension system
- National Bank of Poland introduces a new banknote
- National Bank of Poland shows a new 500 PLN banknote
- National Fiscal Administration getting closer
- Natural and Legal Persons in Croatia: Some Distinctions
- Netflix available in Poland
- New bond offer for Polish families
- New Dart passenger trains set off the track
- New income tax in 2018?
- New regulation – restructuring law act
- New tax incentives for innovative companies in Poland
- New tax to hit Polish banks in 2016
- New Visa and Work Permit Restrictions on Citizens of Russia and Belarus in Estonia
- No shopping on Sundays?
- Payment cards in 4Q2016
- Pfizer and Moderna Vaccine prices to Increase for the EU Countries
- Poland has Girls in Tech
- Poland in shock after S&P’s downgrade
- Poland ranked 23rd most innovative country in the world
- Poland ratifies the Paris Agreement
- Poland reacts to Brexit
- Poland struggles to combat VAT fraudsters
- Poland will build its first ever offshore wind farm
- Poland will have a new legal structure for business
- Poles’ incomes are growing
- Polish airline reveal their strategy for 2020
- Polish economic mission visits India
- Polish economy is slowing down
- Polish fintech market worth 856 million EUR
- Polish National Foundation will promote Poland
- Polish Post goes mobile
- Polish rail gets a new life
- Polish zloty traded in China
- Portugal Closing the “Golden Visa” Program
- Positive Tendency in Croatian Travel and Tourism Sector
- Possible Grexit starts debate in Poland over wisdom of joining EURO Zone.
- President of the National Bank of Poland in parliament
- President signed the retail tax bill
- Prime Minister officially launches “Flat+” flat-building programme
- Pubic offices embrace mobile payments
- Real Estate Prices in Germany Falling Sharply
- Record-Breaking Year on Polish Power Exchange
- Retail market in Poland thriving in 4Q2016.
- Retail Prices in Germany Increased by 2.8% in May
- Retail Sales Increased in August in the Eurozone.
- Rising Hotel Prices Affect International Business Travel
- Russia’s Share in EU Natural Gas Imports to Decrease Further
- Ryanair expands its route network
- Sberbank Left the European Market
- Shipbuilding industry will get a boost
- Some of the largest banks in the EU according to the 2021 statistics
- Southeastern European Countries Back Bulgarian Initiative for Improved Energy Interconnection at COP29
- Spain Offers One-Euro Homes to Revive Rural Communities
- Struggle with ASF virus continues
- T-Mobile Warsaw Games Week 2016
- The Belgians still Exchange Francs 20 Years after the Introduction of the Euro
- The Central Bank of Latvia is Looking to Capitalize on the Country’s Success in Basketball
- The EBRD to Move its Headquarters to Canary Wharf
- The ECB Ready to Change Plans According to Future Risks
- The EU Climate Plan to Hurt Europe’s Heavy Industry
- The EU Extended the Anti-Russian Sanctions for Another 6 Months
- The EU has called on Ministers to Re-establish a Delayed Banking Union
- The EU Imposing the Windfall Tax – Why Experts Criticize
- The EU Intends to Register Only Electric Vehicles from 2035
- The EU Passenger Car Market Grows by 14.6%
- The EU Plans not to Renew Long-Term Contracts for Natural Gas from 2049
- The EU Plans to Invest Billions in Low Emission Technologies
- The EU to Impose a Tax on Citizens of Non-member Countries when Entering the Schengen Zone
- The EU to Invest € 40 Billion in Global Projects to Compete with China
- The European Central Bank Increasing Interest Rates to the Highest Level since 2009
- The European Central Bank Tightening the Monetary Policy
- The European Commission Lowered the Growth Forecast of the Eurozone Economy
- The European Parliament Calls for a Full Embargo on Oil, Coal, Nuclear Fuel, and Gas Imports from Russia
- The First Autonomous Vehicle Allowed on French Roads
- The French Parliament Approves a 20-Billion-Euro Package to Fight Inflation
- The Frozen Assets of Russian Oligarchs Becomes a Financial Burden for the Government of Italy
- The government announces an education reform
- The government wants changes to the excise tax
- The government will launch a “Flat+” programme
- The Highest-Profit Companies in 2024
- The Ministry of Digital Affairs holds a hackathon
- The Netherlands and Germany start developing a new gas field in the North Sea
- The Polish Government on Planned Changes in VAT Regulations
- The Prospective Global Tax System Reforms and Several Countries Opposed
- The Rent Prices Increasing by 18% and Purchase Prices by 49% in the EU
- The Richest People in Poland 2016
- The Rise of the Eurozone Inflation – does it reflect the enhanced instability of the economic systems?
- The Romanian Government will Increase the Minimum Wage by 9.5% from January
- The Russia-Ukraine War is Likely to Lead to Higher Fertilizer Prices Worldwide
- The Statue of Euro in Frankfurt Surviving an Auction
- The Tenth Package of EU Sanctions will Affect 130 Individuals and Legal Entities
- The Total Capital of Crypto Industry has Exceeded $2.3 Trillion
- The Unusually Increased Interest Rates by the European Central Bank
- The Value of Global Demand for Gold Exceeded 100 Billion USD for the First Time
- The World Bank Publishes Economic Growth Forecasts for 2025
- The World Bank to create a new rating on the business environment
- Thousands of green buses in 2020
- Trade Ministers Discuss Potential Trade Tensions in Europe
- UBS’s Merger with Credit Suisse May Lead to Tens of Thousands of Job Loss
- Unemployment going down in 1-3Q 2015
- Venice to Double Its Tourist Tax
- Vienna has been Named as the most Comfortable City to Live
- Warsaw will invest in cycling infrastructure
- What is a Financial Portfolio and How it Works
- Which Are Most Expensive EU Countries To Live In?
- Will the Czech Republic Abandon the Czech Koruna?
- World’s First “Digital Village” for Remote Workers in Croatia
- Zalando announces new investment in Poland
- Zyta Gilowska dies at 66