
The EU Intends to Register Only Electric Vehicles from 2035

The European Union is going to register only electric vehicles on its territory from 2035, without exception, German publication – Handelsblatt reports.

According to the newspaper, agreement on this is already achieved in the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. The publication’s got access to the “compromise proposal” sent by France, the country holding the EU Council presidency, to the member states of the bloc, which neither provides for exceptions in this regard nor considers the further extension of the transition period.

As the publication writes, France plans to implement the initial proposal of the European Commission one by one. This means that from 2035, the EU will ban the registration of new cars and commercial vehicles that emit emissions when traveling. The only permissible means of registration will be an electric vehicle. Also, the compromise proposal envisages checking the progress of the transition process in every two years.

Voting on this issue is scheduled for this week in the European Parliament.