
The Tenth Package of EU Sanctions will Affect 130 Individuals and Legal Entities

EU Sanctions: Understanding the financial sanctions against Russia - The Source - Washington University in St. Louis

The European Union plans to include four Russian banks, including Alfa-Bank, in the new package of EU sanctions and ban the delivery of several goods to Russia. The new financial sanctions will affect four Russian banks, including the largest Alfa-Bank in Russia.

In total, 130 individuals and legal entities are planned to be included in the EU sanctions list, including military personnel, state media journalists, as well as companies and individuals associated with the Russian military industry or the Wagner group.

What is Included in these EU Sanctions:

In addition, the European Union wants to ban the import of rubber and bitumen from Russia. Also, restrictions on the work of Russian citizens on the boards of companies that serve such critical infrastructure as electricity grids and gas supply companies are being considered.

In addition, export restrictions may affect the supply of trucks and other vehicles used in the construction sector from the EU to the Russian Federation. Also, the EU authorities plan to impose an additional ban on the export of electronic components to Russia that can be used in the manufacture of weapons.

Politico’s source said it was unclear whether the new EU sanctions package would affect diamonds. In addition, Brussels plans to blacklist a Dubai-based shipping company suspected of avoiding existing sanctions.

Before that, the European Union announced that the next, tenth package of EU sanctions was planned to be introduced from the end of February. The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that according to the plan, the tenth package of sanctions should, among other things, include bans on the supply of goods for which it is almost impossible to find an alternative. This refers to the goods that the EU says the Russian military-industrial complex needs.