Payment cards in 4Q2016

[9-January-17 8:00:29]
The National Bank of Poland (NBP) presented its quarterly report on payment cards in Poland. The number of cards on the Polish market has been...


Improving Polish tax system in progress

[26-December-16 8:00:22]
Details of the plans to introduce further changes that are to make Polish fiscal system more flexible and friendly are regularly presented to public opinion...

Draft of a new Polish anti-usury bill

[19-December-16 8:00:32]
The Ministry of Justice published a draft of a new anti-usury bill, lowering the limits on loan costs other than interest. According to the bill,...

Polish zloty traded in China

[12-December-16 8:00:07]
China is launching direct trading pairs of yuan and seven foreign currencies, including zloty, Bloomberg informs. A statement from Chinese financial market regulator says: “In...

Polish fintech market worth 856 million EUR

[5-December-16 8:00:29]
Deloitte took a deeper loot into the state and prospects for the fintech industry in the Central and Eastern Europe. The recently released CEE FinTech...

Holiday season better than ever?

[28-November-16 8:00:46]
The fourth quarter of the year has always been good for retailers. Christmas period is the time for which almost everyone is planning some heavy...

Polish economy is slowing down

[21-November-16 8:00:26]
Alarming news is coming from Central Statistical Office (GUS). Polish economy has noticeably slowed down in the recent quarter. Prime Minister Szydło assures this is...

First year of Beata Szydło’s government

[14-November-16 8:00:01]
It has been a full year since Beata Szydło got appointed as Poland’s Prime Minister. As her government celebrates the first 12 months in office,...

LOT to team up with Estonia’s Nordica

[7-November-16 8:00:29]
LOT Polish Airlines announced it intends to forge a cooperation with its Estonian counterpart, Nordica. Polish national airline will take up 49 percent of shares...