Company formation Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands Exempt Company

Cayman Islands Exempt Company is a model example of an offshore company guaranteeing high level of confidentiality. The data concerning directors and shareholders is not published in the business register and privacy protection is guaranteed by Confidential Relationship (Preservation) Law. The only data which appears in the registers are company name and address.

The companies are completely exempt from taxation, thanks to which they are so often used for international trade. What is more, the companies provide advisory, marketing, leasing services, own real estate, copyrights and trademarks, and also register ships. Cayman Islands Exempt Companies may be used for virtually every type of activity, except few licenced sectors.

Among the indisputable advantages of Cayman Islands Exempt Companies is the fact that to form a company you need only one person – physical or legal, who may be both a shareholder, a director and a company secretary.

Cayman Islands Exempt Company is formed fast, with minimum formalities. The entire process takes only 5-6 days, but it may be shortened to 1 day upon making a payment in the amount of 488 USD.

Cayman Islands Exempt Companies are easy to manage, there are no obligations with regard to management board or shareholders’ meetings (but if they take place, minutes of their resolutions should be kept at the company’s registered office).

As the official language in the islands is English, all company documents are prepared in this language.


Advantages of having a Cayman Islands Exempt Company

  • Cayman Islands Exempt Companies are completely exempt from taxation
  • Shareholder and director data does not appear in the business register, which guarantees high level of privacy as well as asset protection
  • All company documents are drafted in English
  • Minimum formalities and easy to manage – no requirement to convene board or shareholders’ meetings, if they are convened this may take place anywhere in the world
  • To form a company, you need only one person, who may be both a shareholder and a director. This may be both a physical and a legal person
  • No requirements with regard to minimum share capital
  • Flexible company structure
  • No currency exchange control
  • The Cayman Islands offers very good conditions for doing business



Cayman Islands Exempt Companies may be, and usually are, established by nominee directors and nominee shareholders, in order to provide the owners the greatest level of confidentiality, and also to safeguard company assets, protect them from creditors, guarantee tax minimisation and manage inheritance in any way.


Standard company formation time in the Cayman Islands is 5-6 days, but it is possible to shorten it to one day upon an additional payment.

One stop shop is one of our key principles, thanks to which we offer comprehensive services in various areas, to help our clients at any stage of doing business.

Our consultants work in various countries of the world and in various time zones, to guarantee you 24/7 service.

Cayman Islands Exempt Companies may be formed remotely. The Cayman Islands is one of the countries where you need a licenced agent to establish a company, so there is no need to come to the country at all.

Working with us, you may be certain you put tasks in the hands of professionals, we will take care of everything and exercise due diligence to have all issues taken care of in a fast and efficient way.

Do you wish to start the procedure?

Just drop us an email or give us a call and we will send you short list of information that we need. After you provide it to us you can come anytime to proceed with the formalities.