Central Invoice Register in 2018?

[20-June-16 8:00:32]
The government is going all out to find a way to narrow the yawning VAT gap. The Minister of Finance has revealed his resort is...

Beata Szydło: Minimum wage at 2,000 PLN

[15-June-16 8:00:32]
Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło surprised everyone at a press conference when she announce the government’s plans for increasing the minimum wage in Poland. Although...

Thousands of green buses in 2020

[13-June-16 8:00:40]
Mateusz Morawiecki, Poland’s Minister of Development, has a plan. Soon, Poland will join the green revolution. Polish economy is to get a boost from electric...

Poles’ incomes are growing

[6-June-16 8:00:21]
Central Statistical Office released a report called “Poland in Figures” presenting the most up-to-date data on the Polish economy. The document presents information on several...

New income tax in 2018?

[1-June-16 8:00:20]
Are we going to have a major fiscal system overhaul in two years in Poland? It is pretty likely, as state officials reveal some ground-shifting...

Krakow will have carsharing

[30-May-16 8:00:50]
Numerous cities in Poland has city bike rental, but not a single place decided to offer its citizens and visitors carsharing service. It appear that...

Pubic offices embrace mobile payments

[25-May-16 8:00:07]
In the view of many people, Polish public administration have not quite cash up with the modern world yet. However, this is soon to change,...

Android Pay in Poland in 3Q2016

[16-May-16 8:00:31]
It is official – Google has plans to introduce its mobile payment system Android Pay to Poland in the second half of 2016. The information...

Alior Bank teams up with Uber

[11-May-16 8:00:20]
What banking has to do with transportation services? Apparently, quite a lot. Polish Alior Bank and Silicon Valley’s car transport company Uber have recently forged...