
Poland struggles to combat VAT fraudsters

Supreme Audit Office (NIK) conducted a study of how Polish fiscal control authorities tackle tax fraud. The results? Ministry of Finance has a lot to work on. NIK took a look into the activities the Ministry of Finance and is subordinates took upon to counteract VAT fraud and tax avoidance and to retrieve the money…


500+ benefit programme launches

A new child benefit programme will be launched later this week. Polish parents are more than happy, but can the budget handle it? The 500 PLN per child was a key promise in the general election race won by Prawo and Sprawiedliwość [Law and Justice]. Now the ruling party are to show the public that…


Shipbuilding industry will get a boost

Paweł Szałamacha and Marek Gróbarczyk, Polish Minister of Finance and Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, caught up everyone’s attention in a press conference that was held on Monday in Szczecin, in a shipyard cafeteria. The press event was called up in order to present a government remedy that is to bring back life…


Cash transaction limit soon to go down

Polish government is working on amendments to Corporate Income Tax Act, Personal Income Tax Act and Freedom of Business Activity Act that will bring the legal limit of cash transactions down. Presently, the threshold for transactions in cash between enterprises is 15,000 EUR, but this is soon to change. The new limit is planned to…


Ministry of Finance New Weapon Against Tax Defaulters

A big change is coming for taxpayers. The Polish Ministry of Finance has new plans to combat tax evasion and identify dishonest taxpayers. Polish edition of Forbes magazine called the upcoming solution revolutionary. Consolidated Control File – this is the name of the new tool that is to bring tax investigations to the next level….


Budget for 2016 on the way

2016 budget act was passed through the Sejm (lower chamber of Polish Parliament) on Saturday. The state’s presentation of the planned revenue and spending closes with a deficit in the amount of 54.7 billion PLN. Polish MPs worked on over three hundred proposed amendments and eventually approved of the financial plan for 2016. The proposed…


New tax to hit Polish banks in 2016

A big change is coming up in 2016 for the banks and some other financial institutions operating in Poland, as Polish Sejm (lower chamber of the Parliament) has just passed a bill introducing a new tax. February 2016 will be the first month of functioning of the new levy. It will affect home banks, foreign…