
4.5 Million Electric Vehicles on the EU Roads Currently

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1.5 million new electric vehicles (excluding hybrids) will be registered in the EU in 2023. This is 48.5% more than the previous year. The data of the European Statistical Agency, Eurostat, is distributed by “Europulse”.

The article mentions that there are currently 4.5 million electric vehicles on the roads of the European Union.

Such cars are most popular in Denmark (7.1% of the country’s car fleet), Sweden (5.9%), Luxembourg (5.1%) and the Netherlands (5%). The smallest share of electric cars is in Cyprus, Greece, and Poland – 0.2% each. Overall, the share of electric vehicles registered in the EU is steadily increasing: if before 2018 they accounted for less than 1% of new cars, then in 2023 this figure will reach 14.6%.

The share of fully electric cars in the total car park of EU countries is still only 1.7%.

Transport accounts for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, with cars accounting for 70%. Eliminating diesel and petrol cars will help meet the goal that by 2050 Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced enough to be absorbed by nature.

As Europulse wrote, by 2035 all new cars in the European Union will have to emit zero greenhouse gases. Diesel and petrol cars will completely disappear from sale.